Megaspore biotic
Megaspore biotic
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MegaSporeBiotic™ is a 100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic clinically shown to maintain healthy gut barrier function. This unique all-spore formula effectively RECONDITIONS the gut by promoting microbial diversity and maintaining key health-promoting, commensal gut bacteria. MegaSporeBiotic™ boasts a 5-year shelf-life, does not require refrigeration, and maintains efficacy during antibiotic therapy.
I have been using megasporebiotic for a month on myself as a practitioner because sharing it with my patients.
Amazing results within 2 weeks and great pooping factor & good energy level (my best description…) after a month.
I have 10 of my patients on it at the moment and my youngest a 3 years old girl with history of allergies and eczema, all cleared out.
Love the product info that comes with it too…
Daniel Claps
I love this product and the trio of gut healing products from this company. I was able to knock out a C. Diff infection and have seen dramatic health gains in my clients from using many of the products from this company.
Anne Overall