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ION* Gut Support 32oz or 16oz options

ION* Gut Support 32oz or 16oz options

ION* Gut Support 32oz or 16oz options


ION Gut Support: Natural Gut Health and Microbiome Balance*

ION* Gut Support is a mineral supplement sourced from ancient soil, formulated to support and strengthen the gut lining, helping keep environmental factors at bay and promoting a balanced, resilient microbiome.*

This unique formula goes beyond probiotics, supporting the body’s natural enzyme production and cellular communication through redox signaling. Powered by Terrahydrite®, ION* Gut Support helps maintain tight junction integrity, even in the presence of common disruptors such as glyphosate and gluten.*

With soil-derived fulvate, ION* Gut Support enhances nutrient absorption, hydration, and promotes a fortified gut lining—creating a strong foundation for optimal gut health and microbiome diversity.

Available in:

  • 32 oz (two-month supply)
  • 16 oz (one-month supply)

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