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Perfect Amino Acids (EAA's) available in convenient 300 or 600 tablet bottles

Perfect Amino Acids (EAA's) available in convenient 300 or 600 tablet bottles

Perfect Amino Acids (EAA's) available in convenient 300 or 600 tablet bottles


PERFECT AMINO™ is composed of pure essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein, in a form and ratio that is up to 99% utilized, but without the caloric impact and without breaking a fast.

It is further enhanced with Nucleic Acid building blocks, helping to direct the process of protein synthesis at the genetic level and support genetic health and performance.

It’s absorbed in approximately 23 minutes.

PERFECT AMINO™ is 100% Vegan, non-GMO, and free of Gluten, Soy, and Dairy.






L- Lysine HCL






Adenosine Triposphate







PerfectAmino is pure essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein) in a precise form and ratio that is up to 99% utilized by the body to build new protein, muscle and collagen — but without the caloric impact, and without breaking a fast.

And it’s absorbed into the bloodstream within an average of 23 minutes.

It is further enhanced with Nucleic Acid Building Blocks (Nucleosides and Nucleotides), what our DNA and RNA are composed of.

This is important as our DNA and RNA are the genetic code and messaging molecules that form and shape our body.

By adding these to PERFECT AMINO™ we optimize its use within the cell in the creation of new protein and muscle, helping to direct the process of protein synthesis and support genetic health and performance.

But how does this work? Why is a 99% utilization rate important? And how is this different than other protein sources?


It’s widely known that whole eggs are a superior protein source to meats. And that both whole eggs and meats are superior to protein powders such as whey, pea, soy and collagen.

But why is this?

It has to do with their amino acid profiles as a protein.

Our body doesn’t get protein from protein. We don’t build muscle out of whey protein or meat proteins or soy proteins.

Instead, our body breaks these down into the building blocks that form them — the amino acids.

It then takes the essential amino acids from these and builds completely new proteins in the forms that the human body needs.

But the human body requires all of the essential amino acids and it needs them in a precise ratio one to another in order to make new protein.

If there is an excess of one or more, this excess can’t be used to synthesize new protein. Or if there is less of one needed for the overall ratio, this pulls down the amount of each of the others that can be used.

This leaves extra amino acids the body can’t use. But also, our body has no way to store amino acids. So these are converted into glucose (sugar) or body fat.

These extra amino acids are the actual source of calories in any protein we eat.

The power of PERFECT AMINO™ is that it’s the exact essential amino acids, in the exact ratio needed to build new protein, but without the extra amino acids.

So we synthesize new protein, but without the caloric impact from excess, unused amino acids.

How does this compare to other protein sources?

BCAAs: At the bottom of the spectrum are branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Our body requires all of the essential amino acids to build new protein. But BCAAs are only 3 amino acids. So the body utilizes only about 1% of BCAAs to build new protein, with the remaining 99% being converted to glucose in the body (sugar) of body fat.

Whey, Pea, and Soy proteins: Only 16%-18% of the amino acids in soy, pea, and whey proteins are utilized by the body to build new protein, with 82%-84% being excess amino acids.

Meat, fish, and poultry: Foods like meat, fish, and poultry fare better, with 32% being utilized and 68% going unused.

Eggs: Whole eggs are at the top, with a 48% utilization rate and only 52% converted to glucose or body fat. (Egg whites alone are only 16% utilized for new proteins).

PERFECT AMINO™ is the precise ratio of essential amino acids needed by the body to build new protein, muscle and collagen — up to 99% utilized.

This means there is almost no caloric impact and it will not break a fast.

And by adding Nucleic Acid Building Blocks to PERFECT AMINO™ we optimize its use within the cell in the creation of new protein and muscle, helping to direct the process of protein synthesis and support genetic health and performance.

PERFECT AMINO™ is 100% Vegan, free of Gluten, Soy, and Dairy, non-GMO.

And it is in a form that can be fully absorbed and utilized by almost anyone, no matter the state of their digestive system.

If taken 20-30 minutes before a workout, it is usually fully absorbed into the bloodstream by the time you start and able to help repair micro-tears in muscle as they occur, dramatically improving endurance and recovery time.

There is nothing else like it.

Get the very best results for your body

We know that PERFECT AMINO™ provides the precise essential amino acids needed by the human body in a form and ratio that is utilized up to 99% to build new protein, muscle and collagen, but without the caloric impact, and without breaking a fast.

But because of how essential these amino acids are to every system in the body, PA's effects can be quite far-reaching.

So different people take it for different reasons: for faster recovery, to build lean muscle, to assist in weight loss, to prevent muscle and bone deterioration, to improve overall health, and much more.

And for each goal there is an exact amount, timing, and usage needed.

This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The information is for general information purposes only.